The Darkwynde Spellbook


Of Manna and Magick:

I’m using a modified Magick system, which allows a mage more spells to chose from, but where the effort required to perform higher level spells increases dramatically. I believe it is more realistic in terms of the way memorization of tasks is actually done, and the game balance seems to work out well. My rules have been updated to be based on the D20 and D20 Modern AD&D rules, with the following changes:

Most of these spells were adapted directly from the D20 or D20 Modern system, by assigning a Manna Cost that is equal to the level of the spell squared. Those spells and magic item creation tasks which in the D20 system have an XP cost, in my system require extra manna when cast or prepared, usually at a rate of 25 manna per 500 XP cost in the D20 system.

While my system is very similar to that used by the late David Hargrave for his Arduin RPG system, it is one that I devised independently, about 4 months before my seeing the first edition of the Arduin rules or meeting David. We both came up with the same idea about the same time. I highly recommend David’s rules system as an alternative for working with Magic and combat in role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons. His combat system is excellent, and his range of spells very creative.